The role of light from Galileo’s Starry Messenger to modern measurement in infrared astronomy.
Graduated from the University of Padua, Alessandro De Angelis is professor in Experimental Physics in Padua and at IST Lisboa. His research interests range from general physics to high energy astrophysics. After seven years spent at CERN, Geneva, in the 1990s, he has conceived and implemented with NASA and the Max-Planck Institute in Munich essential experiments for the detection of cosmic photons of high energy. Since 2022 he his scientific counsellor for the permanent delegation of Italy to the International Organizations, and represents Italy in the Bureau International de Poids et Mesures in Paris. De Angelis has published numerous scientific articles and textbooks on Astroparticle Physics, and three popular books on Galilei and the history of science in the Renaissance.
He is a member of the Accademia Galileiana.

Thermophysical Properties for Sustainable Goals Development – Contributing to a New Research Approach.
Carlos A. Nieto de Castro was born in Portugal in 1949. Full Professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon since 1980, jubilated in 2019. Studied Chemical Engineering, and obtained his PhD in Engineering Sciences (Chemical Thermodynamics) from Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal (1977). Received the Portuguese Stimulus to Excellence in Research Award, FCT-MCTES, Portugal (2005), the University of Lisbon Medal for distinguished service and has about 400 scientific publications including 38 books and chapters, one European patent and 550 conference presentations.
He directed over 40 national and international funded projects, part of them involving industrial companies. Member of several international scientific boards and learning societies, he is an international evaluator under European, National, and International programs, associate editor of the Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data (ACS), editorial board member of several journals, IUPAC and International Association for Advanced Materials fellow.
Prof. Carlos Nieto de Castro is one of world's most cited top scientists in Chemical Engineering/Physical Chemistry (top 2%), Stanford University Ranking, US, 2020, 2021, 2022. With more than 45 years dedicated to the research in thermodynamics and transport processes of fluids and materials, his actual scientific activity covers the field of molecular thermophysics and fluid technology, ionic liquids, molten salts, nanofluids, ionanofluids and nanosystems, including new heat and storage fluids with industrial impact in the area of energy and environment, and the use of ionic liquids as solvating and reaction media to synthesize and functionalize nanomaterials, for industrial and domestic applications.

Investigating the liquid phase of high melting metals and alloys - A review of selected Pulse Heating Experiments.
Gernot Pottlacher, born 1956, studied physics at the University of Technology in Graz (TUG), Austria and is Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Techn. He was a professor at the Institute for Experimental Physics at TUG. His main field of activity are investigations of thermophysical properties of liquid metals and alloys with various techniques such as subsecond pulse heating, DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry), and four-point probes.
Further he gave courses in basic physics, for lighting engineering, for temperature measurements, as well as physics didactic courses for teachers in training. One of his hobbies is performing public experimental demonstrations-shows. In his retirement he leads the museum echophysics in Pöllau.
More details for Gernot Pottlacher regarding lectures, seminars and tutorials held at TU-Graz, area of expertise, performed projects, publications and supervised diploma and master theses please find in TUG – Online:, person: Pottlacher